1st Japan-Americas Friendship Kyudo Taikai

Nov 14–Nov 17, 2024

Taikai and shinsa room has changed from Cypress Hall to Fiesta Hall. To go to Fiesta Hall, still park in East parking lot, but go through Gate 7 (rather than Gate 9). Also, because Fiesta Hall is bigger, visitors can come observe taikai and shinsa!

About the events

This is the information site for the 1st Japan-Americas Friendship Kyudo Taikai and other related events that will take place from Nov. 14 to Nov. 17, 2024. Please choose each event from the navigation bar on the left and check the related information. We wish everybody a great time at the events!

Pre-arrival checklist

Before coming to the events, please make sure you take this lunch survey and sign the event waiver (links below). You only need to sign the waiver once and it’ll cover all the events. If you are attending the taikai reception in Nov. 15, make sure to bring a valid id and attire appropriately (smart/business).

Click here to for the waiver and the lunch survey

We also created Google calendar events that contain time, location, and transportation information: Reception, Taikai, Shinsa

Q & A

Are there changing rooms at the venue?
Yes. There will be changing rooms and space for makiwara practice. Still, we recommend that everyone arrive already attired in their kyudo uniform.
Can visitors come to see the Taikai or Shinsa?
Yes. Originally the venue is too small to accommodate visitors. But now our venue has enough room for visitors.
I registered only for the Shinsa. May I observe the Taikai and mini-seminar?
Yes. Feel free to come observe.
Are observers allowed at the Shogo Seminar?
No. Only invited guests are allowed to participate.
Will shinsa results be announced on Shinsa Day?
No. Shinsa results will be communicated at a later date.
Will registration fees for those who pass be collected on Shinsa Day?
No. Registration fees for those who pass will be collected at a later date.

Introducing the Hanshi

Reminder: Please don’t bring gifts to the hanshi. However, each renmei can bring a card signed by group members as a gift.

Usami Yoshimitsu, Hanshi Kyudan, IKYF Director, ANKF Chuo Committee Member
Winner of the All Japan Kyudo Championship (Emperor’s Cup) in 1991
Awarded for highest score at the Championship in 1987

宇佐美 義光、範士九段、国際弓道連盟理事、全日本弓道連盟中央委員
平成3年 全日本弓道選手権大会 優勝
昭和62年 最高得点賞受賞

Satake Akemi, Hanshi Hachidan, ANKF Chuo Committee Member
3-time winner of the All Japan Women’s Kyudo Championship (Empress’ Cup) (1990, 1998 and 2003)
Numerous time winner of the National Sports Festival

佐竹 明美、範士八段、全日本弓道連盟中央委員
全日本女子弓道選手権大会 優勝3回(平成2・10・15年)

2024 Special Shogosha Seminar (US)


The shogo seminar is held at Redwood Kyudojo, located at:

202 Sylvan Way, La Honda, CA 94020
(Google Map) (Apple Map)
Note that Public transportation is not available for activities at Redwood Kyudojo. Since parking space is limited, please consider carpooling if possible.


9:30 am Doors open and registration
10:30 am Opening Ceremony
noon Lunch
4:00 pm Closing

Yawatashi will be performed by:

Ite Maria Peterson, Renshi 6-dan
Daiichi Kaizoe Jon McAllister, Renshi 5-dan
Daini Kaizoe Jannette Curran, Renshi 5-dan


Curran Jannette Renshi 5 Dan AKR-SoCalKR
カラン ジャネッテ
Born Carly Renshi 5 Dan AKR-MNKR
ボーン カーリィ
Sakurai Douglas Renshi 5 Dan AKR-SoCalKR
桜井 ダグラス
McAllister Jon Renshi 5 Dan AKR-NCKF
マカリスター ジョン
Macmillan Tim Renshi 5 Dan AKR-NCKF
マクミラン ティム
Peterson Maria Renshi 6 Dan AKR-NCKF
ピーターソン マリア
Scott Steve Renshi 6 Dan AKR-NCKF
スコット スティーブ


The taikai reception will be held on Nov. 15, in Hotel Nikko in San Fransisco, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Please see below for details. This is a formal event, so please make sure you attend with proper attire (smart/business).

There will be opening greetings at the Reception beginning at 6:00 pm sharp. so please make sure you arrive early!

Please make sure you bring a valid id when attending the reception.

Words from IKYF president

Kato Izuru
International Kyudo Federation

The 1st Japan-Americas Friendship Kyudo Taikai will be held in San Francisco, USA.

To celebrate the organization of this Takai, a reception will be held in the presence of Her Imperial Highness Princess Takamado, Honorary President of the International Kyudo Federation. Please see below for the details.

As we have received a list of attendees from each organization, the name and affiliation of each attendee will be checked at the entrance of the reception hall, and each attendee will be provided with a wristband to wear during the reception.


The reception will be held in Golden Gate Room, Hotel Nikko San Francisco, 25th Floor. Links to a map can be found here: Google Map, Apple Map

For public transportation from San Mateo (where the taikai venue is) to Hotel Nikko, we recommend taking Caltrain. To take Caltrain, go to their public website, and look at the schedule. You want to get off at San Francisco station, the last station. It’s only a couple minutes walk from the station to the hotel.

Take the schedule table below as an example, if you want to get off at San Francisco station at 5:45 pm, you want to take the #147 train, which arrives at San Mateo station at 5:17 pm.

Caltrain timetable

As for the ticket, you can either buy a ticket at the staion or use Clipper. Clipper is pretty nice and it can be used on all public transit in the Bay Area. You don’t need to install their app, just follow their instructions and add the clipper card to your Apple or Google wallet.


6:00–6:30 pm Registration
6:30 pm Reception starts
8:00 pm Reception ends

Taikai and shinsa room has changed from Cypress Hall to Fiesta Hall. To go to Fiesta Hall, still park in East parking lot, but go through Gate 7 (rather than Gate 9). Also, because Fiesta Hall is bigger, visitors can come observe taikai and shinsa!

The taikai will be held on Nov. 16, at San Mateo County Event Center, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Please see below for details.

Note that the schedule time may change depending on the competition progress. Also, participants are responsible for their equipment and valuables. The sponsors will not be held liable for any loss of belongings inside the venue.

Here’s the Official Taikai Guideline. It contains information about attire. Basically, both kekogi and wafuku are ok.

Taikai opening remarks

Kato Izuru
International Kyudo Federation

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the many Kyudo friends who gathered from different continents to participate in the 1st Japan-Americas Friendship Kyudo Taikai today. I thank also the American Kyudo Renmei, the Northern California Kyudo Federation and all the people involved in the organization of this event for their tremendous support.

As part of a traditional Japanese culture going back to the ancient times, Kyudo has been growing worldwide, taking a crucial step forward, as you know, with the establishment of the International Kyudo Federation in 2006. Since then, the number of member countries has kept increasing little by little, showing the steady development of Kyudo all over the world.

This year, we are holding the 1st Japan-Americas Friendship Kyudo Taikai. There cannot be a greater honor than being able to hold this event in the presence of Her Imperial Highness Princess Hisako Takamado, Honorary President of the International Kyudo Federation.

I wish everyone to fully demonstrate the skills they have acquired through diligent practice and to enjoy the competition without pressure. I also hope this will be an opportunity for exchanges with Kyudo practitioners from other countries to deepen one’s insights and foster international goodwill.

Let this Taikai become a precious and glorious page in the Kyudo career of each participant. Thank you.

大会 あいさつ

会長 加藤 出







Both the taikai on Nov. 16 and the shinsa on Nov. 17 will be held in Fiesta Hall in San Mateo County Event Center. The address is:

1346 Saratoga Dr., San Mateo, CA 94403
(Google Map) (Apple Map)

Here’s a map to the building. Park in the East Parking Lot (parking fee is waived) and enter through Gate 7 (circled on the map). Once you go in, Fiesta Hall (circled on the map) should be in front of you. Here’s a floor plan of Fiesta Hall for your reference.


9:00 Doors open
10:00 Opening ceremony
10:20 Special demonstration: Momote Shiki, by Ogasawara-Ryu America Branch
11:00 Competition start
1:00 Competition end
40 minutes lunch-break
1:40 Demonstration by akr Shogosha
2:00 Japan-Americas Friendship Training (Mini seminar)
4:00 After-seminar comments
4:30 Venue closed

Shogosha demonstration will be performed by:

Steve Scott, Renshi 6-dan
Tim Macmillan, Renshi 5-dan
Jon McAllister, Renshi 5-dan

Opening ceremony schedule

Opening Remarks
National flag ceremony
Organizer remarks Yoshimitsu Usami Sensei, Director
International Kyudo Federation
Host remarks Maria Peterson, President
American Kyudo Renmei
Guest remarks Consul General Yo Osumi
Consul General of Japan in San Francisco
Closing remarks


主催者挨拶 国際弓道連盟理事 宇佐美義光
開催地挨拶 アメリカン弓道連盟会長 マリア・ピーターソン
来賓挨拶 在サンフランシスコ総領事 大隅 洋


For lunch, we have three types of bento boxes: salmon, chicken, and tofu. In particular, the tofu bento is gluten-free and vegetarian, but contains soy. If you have allergies, please check the ingredients list below.

Salmon bento
Shio koji salmon
Salmon, shio koji (rice koji, salt)
Chicken bento
Shio koji chicken
Chicken thigh, shio koji (rice koji, salt), sesame seeds, green‬ onion, ginger, sesame oil
Tofu bento
Shio koji tofu
Tofu, shio koji (rice koji, salt), sauce nostalgia (white‬‭ miso-soybeans, sesame oil, amazake-rice koji, rice koji and rice), sesame seeds, green onion, ginger, sesame oil, amazake (rice koji and rice), chickpea miso (chickpeas, rice koji, salt)
Sides in all three bentos
Beets, lotus roots, sagohachi (rice koji, salt), sesame seeds, sesame‬ oil, chili pepper
Eggplant with miso sauce
Eggplant, sweet peppers, shishito, sauce nostalgia‬ (country miso-soybeans, barley koji, rice koji, salt) sesame oil, amazake-rice‬‭ koji and rice), shio koji (rice koji, salt)
Yuchoi with carrots & aburaage
Yuchoi(chinese broccoli), carrots, deep fried tofu, sagohachi (rice koji, salt)
Egg, amazake (rice koji and rice), sagohachi (rice koji, salt)
Sagohachi pickles
Vegetables,‬ sagohachi (rice koji, salt). Some of pickles includes ginger, chili pepper, vinegar.
Amazake dessert pumpkin pudding
Kabocha Pumpkin, Amazake (Rice Koji‬ and Rice), Eggs, Vanilla,‬‭ Cinnamon, Star anise, Fennel, Clove, and Sichuan peppercorns

Zasha timing

We will do 3 person 4-arrow zasha tournament timing. Below is the timing for reference.


For Haya, proceed without waiting.

After shooting Haya, sit down in Kiza, nock on Otoya and stand up (no need to wait). On Sanban’s Tsurune, make Torikake and proceed.


When Ichiban is standing, with the right fist is brought to the hip, stand up. On Ichiban’s Tsurune, make Uchiokoshi and proceed.

After shooting Haya, sit down in Kiza, nock on Otoya and stand up. On Ichiban’s Tsurune, make Uchiokoshi and proceed.


When Niban is standing, with the right fist is brought to the hip, stand up. On Niban’s Tsurune, make Uchiokoshi and proceed.

After shooting Haya, sit down in Kiza, nock on Otoya and stand up. On Niban’s Tsurune, make Uchiokoshi and proceed.

General notes
  1. On entering, the attention must be focused on the Kamiza before making Rei in the case of Ichiban, or Yū (in Futa-Iki: two breaths) from Niban.
  2. Proceed to Honza, sit down in Kiza, make Yū (in Mi-Iki: three breaths) together and proceed to Shai.
    • When there is a previous group at Shai, the Tachi enters the shooting area on the Tsurune of Sanban’s Haya, sits down in Kiza at Honza and waits.
    • On the Tsurune of the last archer from the previous group, the Tachi makes Yū together. On the last archer's Yudaoshi, the Tachi stands up. When the last archer from the previous group takes the first step towards Honza to exit, the Tachi proceeds to Shai.
    • The Tachi may be required to wait for the person in charge (Shinkōgakari) to call the start with “Hajime” before making Yū together and proceeding to Shai.
  3. Sit down in Kiza at Shai, turn to face Waki-Shōmen, stand the bow up and make Yatsugae.
  4. When the shooting is finished, leave the shooting area in consecutive order starting with Ichiban.
  5. On exiting, the attention must be focused on the Kamiza before making Yū (in Futa-Iki).
  6. The movements before and after the shooting should not be too slow.
  7. The same procedure applies when shooting four arrows (Futate) and in a group of four archers.
  8. When a time limit is set, it is possible to proceed faster as long as the order of the archers is respected.

Taikai order

Unfortunately, we don’t have kanji names for the taikai order, sorry about that!

1 Sakurai Luke USA
2 Nakada Lilly USA
3 Chavez Maximiliano USA
4 Chen Yung-Lun USA
5 Barraza Marcos USA
6 Lau Zachary USA
7 Lau Erik USA
8 Tang Melody USA
9 Li Jaren USA
10 Faussane El USA
11 Chin Daniel USA
12 Zhang Yuchen USA
13 Lao Jacky USA
14 Loscri Tomás Argentina
15 Cummins Laura USA
16 Nguyen Nhat Ha USA
17 Li Yuemin USA
18 Sunley Lauren USA
19 Philippe Miles USA
20 Adams Taylor USA
21 Wong Bernard USA
22 O'Neal Chris USA
23 Courtney Elaine USA
24 Tokishi James USA
25 Yang Cheng Tao USA
26 Tagawa Laura USA
27 Barraza Clarissa USA
28 Orfield Carl USA
29 James Brian USA
30 Yen Roy USA
31 Rossinni Tomoko USA
32 Fu Yuan USA
33 Xu Yidan USA
34 Aas Sam USA
35 Drone Lindsey USA
36 Espinosa Fernando USA
37 Guo Siwei USA
38 Benitez Lorena USA
39 Xu Weiyi USA
40 Paras Margaux USA
41 Takakura Kiki USA
42 Quijano Von USA
43 Gevero Ailene USA
44 Foster Brenda USA
45 Campagna Shizuka USA
46 Micieli Alejandro USA
47 Joseph Jai Mi USA
48 Miura Ayano USA
49 Winckel Oceane USA
50 Morgan Amelia USA
51 Duterme Tomomi USA
52 Altamirano Medina Agustina Argentina
53 Martin Laina USA
54 Clewans Harry USA
55 Jin Jing USA
56 Chan Clifford Canada
57 Claffey Kieran USA
58 Ma Misaki USA
59 Wieczorek Jim USA
60 Tsukahara Masako USA
61 Ostrowski Eugene USA
62 McCarron Robert Australia
63 Falconer Jaden USA
64 Lam Phoebe Canada
65 Loh Philip USA
66 Lim Kevin USA
67 Kingsleigh Natalie USA
68 Yao Hang USA
69 Agosto Manuel USA
70 Chen Daniel USA
71 Serseción Serenity USA
72 Phan Kham USA
73 Febrie Helen USA
74 Harrington Susan USA
75 Hayakawa Nae USA
76 Figueroa Tessa USA
77 Salas González Martha Mexico
78 Nakamura Yuta USA
79 Phan Benjamin USA
80 Rueda Marianne Denise Uruguay
81 Nguyen Mai-Linh Canada
82 Dauphinais Charles Canada
83 Tihista Gonzalo Uruguay
84 Chan Henry USA
85 Fujimoto Naomi USA
86 Salas Maria Ines Argentina
87 Nishiyama Misa USA
88 Hsieh Nancy USA
89 Terada Ayumi Canada
90 Cummins John USA
91 Hayakawa Mao USA
92 Orito Hinako USA
93 Bassey Miki USA
94 Kwee Willis Canada
95 Hung Jason Canada
96 Vala Andrew USA
97 Kuroda Yutaka USA
98 Hoshina Takashi USA
99 Hoshizaki Dean USA
100 Nishikawa Luciano Seite Brazil
101 Hong David USA
102 Jones Ron USA
103 DeProspero Michael USA
104 López Ozuna Tania Mexico
105 Castillo Licea Erika Mexico
106 Kariya Nick USA
107 Lo Kevin USA
108 Cowdery Tim USA
109 Nakasuji Keisuke USA
110 Barrera de la Torre Geronimo Mexico
111 Tsukada Satoshi USA
112 Correa Elisa Brazil
113 Savary William USA
114 Chen Tim Tzu-Ting USA
115 Oishi Mutsumi USA
116 Ruth Eric USA
117 Cail Jeremy USA
118 Fisher Cody USA
119 Dewitz Hiroko USA
120 Ishii Satoe USA
121 Gott Hunter USA
122 Fraundorfer Jade USA
123 Oyasu Miho USA
124 Born John USA
125 Yamagami Yoshihiro USA
126 Macmillan Tim USA
127 Chouchan Jérôme Japan
128 Born Carly USA
129 McAllister Jon USA
130 Tamai Mieko Japan
131 Peterson Maria USA
132 Scott Steve USA
133 Imai Kikuko Japan
134 Ikeda Tomoko Japan
135 Okita Seikichi Japan

2024 Special Overseas Provisional Chuo Shinsa (US)

Sponsor All Nippon Kyudo Federation
Supervisor American Kyudo Renmei
Support International Kyudo Federation

Taikai and shinsa room has changed from Cypress Hall to Fiesta Hall. To go to Fiesta Hall, still park in East parking lot, but go through Gate 7 (rather than Gate 9). Also, because Fiesta Hall is bigger, visitors can come observe taikai and shinsa!

The special shinsa will be held on Nov. 17, at San Mateo County Event Center, from 9:00 am to 3:35 pm. Please see below for details.

Note that the schedule time may change depending on the test process. Also, participants are responsible for their equipment and valuables. The sponsors will not be held liable for any loss of belongings inside the venue.

Here’s the Official Shinsa Guideline. It contains information about attire. Basically, those testing for Godan should wear wafuku.


Both the taikai on Nov. 16 and the shinsa on Nov. 17 will be held in Fiesta Hall at San Mateo County Event Center. The address is:

1346 Saratoga Dr., San Mateo, CA 94403
(Google Map) (Apple Map)

Here’s a map to the building. Park in the East Parking Lot (parking fee is waived) and enter through Gate 7 (circled on the map). Once you go in, Fiesta Hall (circled on the map) should be in front of you.


9:00 Doors open, registration starts
10:00 Yawatashi
10:30–11:30 Shodan shooting shinsa (7 tachi)
10 minutes break
11:40–12:30 Nidan shooting shinsa (6 tachi)
noon 40 minutes lunch-break
1:10–2:15 Sandan shooting shinsa (8 tachi)
10 minutes break
2:25–2:55 Yondan shooting shinsa (4 tachi)
2:55–3:35 Godan shooting shinsa (4 tachi)

Yawatashi will be performed by:

Ite Aaron Blackwell, Kyoshi 7-dan
Daiichi Kaizoe Tim Macmillan, Renshi 5-dan
Daini Kaizoe Doug Sakurai, Renshi 5-dan


For lunch, we have three types of salad bento boxes: salmon, chicken, and tofu. In particular, the tofu bento is gluten-free and vegetarian, but contains soy. If you have allergies, please check the ingredients list below. Note that the salad bento box is not exactly like the bento we had for taikai, so double check the ingredients!

Salmon bento (same as in taikai)
Shio koji salmon
Salmon, shio koji (rice koji, salt)
Chicken bento (same as in taikai)
Shio koji chicken
Chicken thigh, shio koji (rice koji, salt), sesame seeds, green‬ onion, ginger, sesame oil
Tofu bento (same as in taikai)
Shio koji tofu
Tofu, shio koji (rice koji, salt), sauce nostalgia (white‬‭ miso-soybeans, sesame oil, amazake-rice koji, rice koji and rice), sesame seeds, green onion, ginger, sesame oil, amazake (rice koji and rice), chickpea miso (chickpeas, rice koji, salt)
Sides in all three bentos (different from taikai)
Miso dressing
White miso (soy beans, salt, rice koji), olive oil, rice vinegar, honey, sesame oil, garlic, ginger
Mix Green Lettuces, Tomatoes
Beets, lotus roots, sagohachi (rice koji, salt), sesame seeds, sesame oil, chili pepper

Shinsa numbers

1 Sunwoo (Kimura) Eliot (Sora)
木村 蒼空
2 Gibson Bronwyn
ギブソン ブロンウィン
3 Vo Brian Huy
武(ヴォー) (ブライアン・フイ)
4 Leopold Zachary
リオポ-ド ザカリ
5 Chavez Maximiliano
チャベズ マクシミリアノ
6 Chen Yung-Lun
チェン ヨン ルン
7 Barraza Marcos
バラザ マーコス
8 Lau Zachary
劉(リュウ) 亮賢(リョウケン)
9 Lau Erik
(リュウ) 冠賢(カンケン)
10 Li Jaren
(リ) 偉豪(ウェイハオ)
11 Faussane El
フォッサン エル
12 Chin Daniel
陳(チン) 虎次郎(コジロウ)
13 Zhang Yuchen
チョウ ユーチェン
14 Cai Jiufu
ツァイ ジュフ
15 Lao Jacky
(リュウ) 泓德(オウトク)
16 Cummins Laura
クミンズ ローラ
17 Friend Emma
フレンド エマ
18 Foley Graeme
フォーリ グラーム
19 Nguyen Nhat Ha
グエン ニャット ハ
20 Li Yuemin
(リ) 越敏
21 Sunley Lauren
サンリー ローレン
22 Philippe Miles
フィリプ マイルズ
23 Adams Taylor
アダムズ テイラー
24 Wong Bernard
ウォング バーナード
25 O'Neal Chris
オニール クリス
26 Tokishi James
トキシ ジャムス
27 Yang Cheng Tao
28 Farhangi Sanaz
ファルハンギ サナズ
29 Tagawa Laura
田川 ローラ
30 Barraza Clarissa
バラザ クラリサ
31 Orfield Carl
オーフィールド カール
32 Finnell Carolyn
フィネル キャロリン
33 Teng Christopher
テン クリストファー
34 Li Benben
李(リ) 奔奔(ホンホン)
35 James Brian
ジェームズ ブライアン
36 Rossinni Tomoko
ロッシーニ 智子
37 Fu Yuan
(フ) 禹安(ユアン)
38 Aas Sam
アース サム
39 Drone Lindsey
ドロン リンジー
40 Espinosa Fernando
エスピノサ フェルナンド
41 Guo Siwei
(ゴー) 四维(スーウェ)
42 Benitez Lorena
ベニテズ ロレナ
43 Xu Weiyi
(シュ) 維乙(ウェイー)
44 Paras Margaux
パラス マルゴー
45 Ueda Yoshinori
上田 義典
46 Takakura Kiki
高倉 きき
47 Quijano Von
クイジャノ ヴォン
48 Takagi Michiko
髙木 美智子
49 Gevero Ailene
ジェベロ アイリーン
50 Foster Brenda
フォスター ブレンダ
51 Campagna Shizuka
カンパニア 静櫻
52 Micieli Alejandro
ミシエリ アレハンドロ
53 Reyes Leo
レイズ レオ
54 Joseph Jai Mi
ジョゼフ ジェー ミ
55 Miura Ayano
三浦 綾乃
56 Winckel Oceane
ウィンクル オシアン
57 Morgan Amelia
モーガン アミーリャ
58 Duterme Tomomi
デュターム 朋美
59 Martin Laina
マッチン レーナ
60 Bruce Donnie
ブルース ドニー
61 Clewans Harry
クルーエンズ ハーリ
62 Chan Clifford
チャン クリフォード
63 Fujino Nana
藤野 なな
64 Claffey Kieran
クラフィ キリン
65 Ma Misaki
66 Wieczorek Jim
ウィチョリック ジム
67 Tsukahara Masako
塚原 雅子
68 Ostrowski Eugene
オストロスキ ユージーン
69 McCarron Robert
マッキャロン ロバ-ト
70 Falconer Jaden
ファルコナー ジェーデン
71 Lam Phoebe
ラム フィービー
72 Loh Philip
73 Lim Kevin
林(リム) ケビン
74 Kingsleigh Natalie
キングスレイ ナタリー
75 Yao Hang
姚(ヤオ) 航(ハン)
76 Agosto Manuel
アゴスト マニュエル
77 Jin Jing
ジン ジン
78 Chen Daniel
チェン ダニエル
79 Serseción Serenity
セルセシオン セレニティ
80 Palacio Cruz Alma Azucena
パラシオ クルス アルマ アスセナ
81 Higa Carrie
ヒガ キャリー
82 Phan Kham
ファン カム
83 Febrie Helen
フェブリ ハレン
84 Harrington Susan
ハリングトン スーザン
85 Hayakawa Nae
早川 奈恵
86 Figueroa Tessa
フィガロア テサ
87 Salas González Martha
サラス ゴンサレス マルタ
88 Nakamura Yuta
中村 優太
89 Phan Benjamin
ファン ベンジャミン
90 Rueda Marianne Denise
ルエダ マリアン デニス
91 Nguyen Mai-Linh
グエン マイリン
92 Dauphinais Charles
ドフィネ チャールズ
93 Tihista Gonzalo
ティイスタ ゴンサロ
94 Chan Henry
チャン ヘンリー
95 Fujimoto Naomi
藤本 尚美
96 Salas Maria Ines
サーラス マリア イネス
97 Nishiyama Misa
西山 美沙
98 Hsieh Nancy
シェ ナンシー
99 Terada Ayumi
寺田 鮎美
100 Cummins John
クミンズ ジョン
101 Hayakawa Mao
早川 真央
102 Bautista Espindola Luis Alberto
バウティスタ エスピンドラ ルイス アルベルト
103 Orito Hinako
織戸 日向子
104 Bautista Espindola María Guadalupe
バウティスタ エスピンドラ マリア グアダルペ
105 Bassey Miki
バッシー 美樹
106 Kwee Willis
クウィー ウィリス
107 Hung Jason
ハン ジェイソン
108 Vala Andrew
ヴァラ アンドルー
109 Kuroda Yutaka
110 Hoshina Takashi
保科 孝嗣
111 Lopez Chris
ローペズ クリス
112 Hoshizaki Dean
星﨑 ディーン
113 Nishikawa Luciano Seite
西川 ルシアノ セイテ
114 Carlson Jan-Renee
カールソン ジャンレネー
115 Hong David
ホン デービッド
116 Brophy Jessica
ブロフィ ジェシカ
117 Jones Ron
ジョーンズ ロン
118 DeProspero Michael
デプロスペロ マイケル
119 Kuroda Ken
120 López Ozuna Tania
ロペス オスナ タニア
121 Castillo Licea Erika
カスティーリョ エリカ
122 Kariya Nick
刈谷 ニコラス
123 Lo Kevin
ロー ケビン
124 Cowdery Tim
コウドリー ティム
125 Nakasuji Keisuke
中筋 啓輔
126 Barrera de la Torre Geronimo
バッレラ ヘロニモ
127 Law Dolphin
ロー ドルフィン
128 Tsukada Satoshi
塚田 哲資
129 Correa Elisa
コヘア エリーザ
130 Savary William
セバリー ウィリアム
131 Chen Tim Tzu-Ting
チン ジテイ ティム
132 Oishi Mutsumi
大石 むつみ
133 Ruth Eric
ルース エリック
134 Cail Jeremy
ケエル ジェレミー
135 Platzer Andrew
プラッツァー アンドリュー
136 Wudarski Donald
ウダースキ ドナルド
137 Fisher Cody
フィッシャー コーディー
138 Dewitz Hiroko
デュウィッツ 裕子